мастер спорта по проеболу
Аурелио Вольтер - моя большая любовь! Я не попросила его оставить автограф на груди только потому, что для этого надо иметь грудь)))
- Do you know who's Donald Tramp and what he'll do if he becomes a president? Firstly, he'll dissolve the parliament. Then he'll make the president's term endless. After that he'll declare himself an emperor, and then we'll have Emperor Tramp!!! (c)сабж
- Do you know who's Donald Tramp and what he'll do if he becomes a president? Firstly, he'll dissolve the parliament. Then he'll make the president's term endless. After that he'll declare himself an emperor, and then we'll have Emperor Tramp!!! (c)сабж